Board of Directors Approved 04/07/05
March 3, 2005
Present: French, Wilson, Passalacqua, Hotaling, Hughes, Williams, Machado, Young, Sullivan, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: King, Steiner
Minutes of February 10, 2005
Sullivan motioned to approve, Wilson seconded.  The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
The Board of Directors reviewed and accepted the new report format.  French requested a graph be added to the report showing the budget, revenue and expenses.
Membership Sales & Notations
There were no applications for membership to present.  The Board noted one Notice To Sell form which will be effective for sale on Friday, March 4, 2005.
Committee Reports

Green: The growing blanket placed on the greens to provide warmth and promote growth has been working well.
Solano Irrigation District (S.I.D.): The water supply work order is still in negotiation.
Irrigation System: The irrigation system is moving forward.  The Department of Fish and Game approved a permit for stream crossing of Green Valley creek and Jones creek for the water main lines.  Final plans are completed and out for bid with four irrigation contractors.  The bids are due at noon on Friday, March 4, 2005.
The Board discussed member abuse of the golf course.  The Board instructed management to enforce the rules of the course.  Machado motioned to place tasteful signs at each hole when the cart paths are not usable.  Williams seconded, the motion carried 6 yes / 2 no.  Hotaling suggested that funds for the signs come from C.I.F.

House: The renovations to the Ballroom are near completion and within budget.  The committee has received many compliments on the new look.

Tennis:  The committee is requesting to change a priority item in their 2005 Capital Improvement Fund request.  Item #4 was approved by the Finance committee and the Board of Directors.  Item #3 was removed from the final C.I.F. proposal.  The committee would like item #3 (computer) instead of item #4 (desk and cabinets).  The Board agreed to the change.
The Board requested that the renderings for the Tennis facilities be presented to them at their April meeting.

Membership: The committee discussed creating additional classes of membership and would like to meet with the Tennis committee to hear their suggestions on a Tennis/Social class of membership.

Food & Beverage: Claude informed the Board that the minutes that were mailed to them had been adjusted and the updated approved minutes were attached to their additional packets distributed at the meeting.
Sullivan discussed the inconsistency in food and suggested a time limit for improvement.

Master Plan: A meeting has been scheduled for March 22 to discuss future Master Plan improvements.

Finance: The committee will be seeking Board approval to print the monthly calendar on the front page of an insert, and print the monthly financials on the back of that page. The back page of the KEY would be utilized as premium advertising space. There would be 6 equal size ads, the first choice going to current advertisers. The committee would also like to raise the price of ads inside the KEY by 20%, and to charge an additional premium of 25% above the new inside price for ads on the back page. The committee would like this to be in effect no later than July 1, 2005.  Costs to reconfigure the mens half lockers into full size lockers are being obtained.  The number of lockers to reconfigure has not been determined at this time.
Old & New Business

Dress Code Letters: Several member letters expressing their disagreement with the Board's decision to relax the dress code and allow the wearing of denim in the Terrace restaurant, pool and tennis spectator area.  Machado motioned to rescind the relaxed dress code.  The motion failed for lack of a second.  The Board appreciated the response from the members but will leave the adjusted dress code in force.  Sullivan motioned that dress code signs stating that appropriate dress is required be posted in the Terrace, Mansion and Driving Range.  Wilson amended the motion that the General Manager will determine the wording for the signs.  Williams seconded, the motion unanimously carried.  A notice regarding appropriate dress will be maintained will be placed in the KEY.

Monthly Billing Letter:  A member letter stating that they noticed numerous errors on their monthly billing and suggested that each time they make a charge that they are provided with a receipt.  Hotaling will research the idea of a magnetic card to swipe for purchases.

Men's Card Room: Machado suggested a round table in the room for playing cards.  Sullivan informed the Board that a member offered to purchase a couch for the Men's Card Room.  The Board forward these requests to the House Committee for consideration.

Swim & Tennis Teams:   Machado requested an overview of the swim and tennis teams, ie., fee structures, non member participation.  French and Capozzo will review the information and present it to a subsequent Board meeting.
Young motioned to adjourn, Wilson seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary